How to upgrade ClientExec to the latest version

The update process is really simple

1. Backup your MySQL Database

2. Backup your files

3. Remove from folder where the ClientExec installation is located all except config.php and uploads/ folder

4. Download the latest version from

5. Place all files from zip except config.phpRead the rest

How to mount your Android device over WiFi

Install on your android device Samba Server (I believe this best one)

There is not additional configuration on Windows 7,8. Simply run Windows+R and type here \\XX.XX.XX.XX

Where XX.XX.XX.XX is your device's local IP address


Ensure XX.XX.XX.XX is pinging, if not try to either restart WiFi or reboot your phone

Try to mount your device

sudo mkdir /mnt/android/

sudo mount -t cifs //XX.XX.XX.XX/storage
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Changing Drupal’s theme via mysql command line

Download for example "garland" theme to ./sites/all/themes folder from


UPDATE dr_system SET status=1 WHERE name = 'garland';


UPDATE dr_variable SET value='s:7:"garland"' WHERE name = 'theme_default';
TRUNCATE dr_cache;
TRUNCATE dr_cache_bootstrap;
TRUNCATE dr_cache_block;

Here is Drush method

drush vset theme_default garland
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How to reduce a size of image files

ImageMagick is required

sudo apt-get install imagemagick -y

Reduce image size by 25%

convert image.jpg -resize 25% output.jpg

It will decrese image file size from ~6.1M to ~300K. So pretty fine for website loading

For mass converting run this from the inside folder which contains *.jpg… Read the rest

How to enable viewing HTML content in Horde?

The post is outdated, please read this one

Edit the following file

vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/imp/config/mime_drivers.php

Replace the line :45 from:

 $mime_drivers['imp']['plain']['inline'] = false;


 $mime_drivers['imp']['plain']['inline'] = true;




 … Read the rest

How to run a shell command as another user without Shell Access enabling

It needs if you don't want to waste time to enable Shell Access for specific user to run some command from his shell

sudo -H -u someuser bash -c 'uptime'

Example of using:

cd ~someuser/www
curl -O
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
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How to install WP-CLI

WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser

curl -O
chmod 755 wp-cli.phar
mv wp-cli.phar wp
mkdir wp_cli
mv wp wp_cli
echo "alias wp='~/wp_cli/wp'" >> ~/.bashrc
Read the rest

How to install Drush

Drush is an awesome shell interface for managing Drupal right from your server command line. It is a very useful tool as it helps you perform various admin tasks using just one or two commands in the terminal

Find your appropriated Drush version for your Drupal the rest