ClientExec how to reset password via mysql command line

PhpMyAdmin solution:

--  Login to your phpmyadmin.
--  To the left select the ClientExec Database created.
--  Click the "user_customuserfields" table.
--  Search for the userid 100
--  There will be a row with a value that starts with sha256: - Edit this row and delete the entire entry, example:
sha256:1000:gvoyL9UXv+lUXbdp+0+2cmJ3GpIZD7w:kWuARQ6K4HWNaopY9eQry4Wqga5MSRD5 ( DELETE THIS )
--  From the tables populated on the left, select the "users" table.
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How to upgrade ClientExec to the latest version

The update process is really simple

1. Backup your MySQL Database

2. Backup your files

3. Remove from folder where the ClientExec installation is located all except config.php and uploads/ folder

4. Download the latest version from

5. Place all files from zip except config.phpRead the rest