How to enable cPanel CalDAV

Enable DAV daemon over WHM –> Service Manager

Remove if needed from disable features WHM –> Feature Manager

Allowing ports 2077, 2078, 2079, and 2080 in your firewall

If CSF update csf.conf TCP_IN with the ports range 2077:2080:


TCP_IN = "20,21,22,25,26,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,2082,2083,2086,2087,2095,2096,2077:2080"

Restart csf

csf -r

cPanel's documentation: the rest

Drupal 7 all links are showing home page only

Most likely the problem is related to the Clean URLs

Way to disable it using command line:

Run the drush commands:

drush vset clean_url 0 --yes

Run the mysql commands:

UPDATE variable SET value = 's:1:"0";' WHERE name = 'clean_url';

Alternatively, you can modify the appropriate settings.phpRead the rest

How to reduce the size of mp3 files

Do the install of lame program

sudo apt-get install lame -y

Try it now

lame --mp3input -b 32 input.mp3 output.mp3

The size of ~5M will be decreased to ~900K

Its pretty good if you don't need a good qulity of your media

For bulk mp3 converts login your media folder and run:

for i in `ls |grep -i mp3`; do lame --mp3input -b 32 "$i" ./output/$i;
Read the rest

How to move a running process to a screen

We need additional software to do this

We have to choose between reptyr and retty. As retty works for x86 linux system only, so we are going to use reptyr

Go ahead and install it:

$sudo apt-get install reptyr -y

For Centos you can get it here:

wget the rest

How to dealing with jobs

If you have started a huge process and just remember that you've forget do it in screen session, you may try to move this process to the background. You can do this by pressing ctrl+z keys, which will temporary block this process and then run bg, here is example:

We've run maldet command

$maldet -a ./Read the rest

Some important logs and config files location

The common logs files located here /usr/local/cpanel/logs directory.

cPanel access log for both cPanel and WHM

cPanel error log (This file contains all output from each upcp call. logs are stored with the timestamp from which the upcp process was executed)

Web server (Apache) log (This log file contains all the errors caused by http Apache server, standard errors due to domain's virtual configuration, mod_security, PHP Warning and other apache modules configurations)

/usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log … Read the rest