How to calculate innodb_buffer_pool_size value

Run to the following command to start calculation:

(SELECT SUM(data_length+index_length) Total_InnoDB_Bytes
FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine='InnoDB') A;


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Server version: 10.3.34-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

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How to check if JSON_ARRAYAGG supported

Run the following simple query

with t1 as ( select 0 as a ) select version(), JSON_ARRAYAGG(a) as j from t1 where a > 0;


MariaDB [(none)]> with t1 as ( select 0 as a ) select version(), JSON_ARRAYAGG(a) as j from t1 where a > 0;
| version() | j |
| 10.5.13-MariaDB | NULL |
1 row in set (0.002 sec)

If it doesn’t support you should get:

MariaDB [(none)]> with t1 as ( select 0 as a ) select version(), JSON_ARRAYAGG(a) as j from t1 where a > 0;
ERROR 1305 (42000): FUNCTION JSON_ARRAYAGG does not exist


Source:… Read the rest

How to fix innodb_table_stats and innodb_index_stats has length mismatch

To fix annoying warnings like:

[Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_table_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name.  Please run mysql_upgrade
 [Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_index_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name.  Please run mysql_upgrade

Just go ahead and run mysql_upgrade.… Read the rest