WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser
cd curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar chmod 755 wp-cli.phar mv wp-cli.phar wp mkdir wp_cli mv wp wp_cli echo "alias wp='~/wp_cli/wp'" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
Test it now
wp --info
Some useful wp-cli commands:
wp cli check-update wp cli update wp option get siteurl wp plugin status wp plugin update --all wp plugin list wp plugin search bulletproof wp plugin install bulletproof-security wp plugin install bulletproof-security --force wp plugin install woocommerce --skip-plugins --force wp plugin activate bulletproof-security wp plugin activate bulletproof-security --network wp plugin deactivate wordpress-seo wp plugin deactivate wordpress-seo --network wp plugin deactivate plugin --skip-plugins=errorplugin1,errorplugin2 wp plugin deactivate --all wp plugin --skip-plugins deactivate --all wp theme status wp theme list wp theme install twentytwelve --activate wp theme activate some_theme wp theme status --skip-themes wp theme install twentytwelve --activate --skip-themes wp core version wp core update wp core update --force wp core download --force wp option delete core_updater.lock wp core update-db wp cache flush wp super-admin list wp super-admin add superadmin2 wp super-admin remove superadmin2 wp user create newadmin [email protected] --role=administrator wp user delete username wp user delete username --network wp user delete ID --reassign=ID wp user list wp user update ID --user_pass=SoMe_Str0ng_pasSword_here wp role reset administrator author contributor wp role reset --all wp user set-role ID administrator wp db export wp db tables wp db reset
WordPress Multisite wp-cli examples:
wp site list wp theme status --url=http://www.example.com/sub/ wp plugin status --url=http://www.example.com/sub/ wp theme activate themename --url=http://www.example.com/sub/ wp plugin activate pluginname --url=http://www.example.com/sub/
!!!To get all wp-cli function worked you have to know that disable_functions in your PHP settings must allow to use shell_exec,exec,proc_close,proc_open