How to fix broken WordPress Elementor plugin

First of all create a backup of your website files/folders/database

cd ~/public_html

Rename broken plugin’s folder:

mv wp-content/plugins/elementor wp-content/plugins/elementor_old

Don’t worry, currently all settings are presaved in your database.

Now do reinstall of the Elementor plugin using wp-cli with –force:

wp plugin install elementor --force

Should be ok now!… Read the rest

How to remove WordPress spam users using MySQL command line

Here is described way to remove spam users you got on 2019-03

select * from wp_users where user_registered like '2019-03%';

MariaDB [db]> select * from wp_users where user_registered like '2019-03%';
15215 rows in set (0.027 sec
delete from wp_users where user_registered like '2019-03%';

MariaDB [db]> delete from wp_users where user_registered like '2019-03%';
Query OK, 15204 rows affected (0.682 sec)
Read the rest

How to remove WordPress spam users using WP-CLI

If you have a huge amount of spam users in your database you need to check this post as the way below will take ‘forever’ 🙂

Supposed you’ve decided to leave just ‘administrator’

Using command below you found a pattern

wp user list

So, now run to remove them:

wp user delete $(wp user list --role=author --field=ID)
wp user delete $(wp user list --role=customer --field=ID)
wp user delete $(wp user list --role=subscriber --field=ID)

You should be asked and if you are sure just type ‘y

–reassign parameter not passed.… Read the rest

cPanel error. Horde is unavailable while the system is being upgraded. HTTP error 503

Make sure hostname is good:


Did you run /scripts/upcp –force? If not do it.

/scripts/upcp --force

If you run it already, run it again as I got this fixed after the second run.

If still not working:

cd /var/cpanel/.application-locks
rm -fv UpdateHostname\:USERNAME
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/update_horde_config --user=USERNAME

where USERNAME is cPanel username.… Read the rest