Move out WordPress installation from public_html/ folder

cd your public_html/ and create OLD_WP/ folder

mkdir OLD_WP/

This will move WordPress' files/folders into the OLD_WP/ folder

mv wp-* index.php .htaccess robots.txt *.sql license.txt readme.html sitemap.xml xmlrpc.php error_log cgi-bin -t OLD_WP/

Then move it to level up

mv OLD_WP/ ../
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Move out Joomla installation from public_html/ folder

cd your public_html/ and create OLD_JOOMLA/ folder


This will move Joomla's files/folders into the OLD_JOOMLA/ folder

mv web.config.txt tmp/ templates/ robots.txt README.txt plugins/ modules/ media/ logs/ LICENSE.txt libraries/ layouts/ language/ index.php includes/ images/ htaccess.txt .htaccess error_log .htaccess  docs/ configuration.php
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