How to check if nameserver is registered from command prompt

In order to check if a nameserver is registered, you can use the nslookup command on a command prompt. Here are the steps:

– Open a command prompt on your computer.
– Type the following command:

nslookup <nameserver>

Replace <nameserver> with the domain name of the nameserver that you want to check.

Press Enter. The output of the command will show you the IP address of the nameserver. If the nameserver is registered and configured correctly, you should see a valid IP address.

If the nameserver is not registered or configured correctly, you may see an error message or a non-existent IP address.

Note that nslookup may not be installed by default on some systems. If you receive an error message saying that the command is not recognized, you may need to install it first. On Linux systems, you can install nslookup by installing the dnsutils package using your system’s package manager.

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